Group Medical Services / GMS Insurance Inc.
Megan, Olivia, Mike and Joanne, employees at Group Medical Services / GMS Insurance volunteer to support STARS Air Ambulance  

The Career Directory

Group Medical Services / GMS Insurance Inc. has been selected for The Career Directory, our guide to entry-level recruitment for recent college and university graduates.

Highlights for New Grads

Industry Health, medical and travel insurance
Full-time employees in Canada 100 to 250
Major Canadian locations Regina SK
Student opportunities paid internships, co-op opportunities
Training subsidies for professional accreditation, orientation program, online training, in-house training, in-house career planning services, leadership training
Tuition subsidies (related to job) yes
Typical new grad positions Customer Service Representative, Administration Representative, Claims Assessor, IT Support Analyst, Reporting & Data Analyst, Accountant, Marketing Coordinator, Application Developer
Starting salary $40K to $50K
Work benefits health benefits for new employees, flexible work hours, telecommuting, transit subsidies, employees receive paid time off to volunteer
Vacation allowance new employees receive 3 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job

Academic fields recruited

Recruits at these schools

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